New schedule: doors 18:30 – show 19:00
The Raging River. Title of Cult of Luna‘s last album, it’s also an ideal description of the intense sensations felt when listening to the tracks: 5 tracks, 38 minutes 33 seconds, a whole sequence of atmospheres projecting us in the depths of the band’s native Sweden. And then the voice of Johannes Persson wakes us up. A mysterious and exhilarating epic. A drowning from which one goes up.
Do you like intense, almost cinematographic atmospheres, with a touch of drama? Welcome to Russian Circles. This trio from Chicago dismantles preconceived ideas with their smashing instrumental compositions. From album to album, the riffs follow one another, and we nod our heads very loudly.
Between two harmonies sung by Serena Cherry, Svalbard depicts in its tracks realities that are raw, sometimes poignant, without ever looking away. The single Silent Restraint, released in 2021, bodes well for the future, if we refer to the band’s pace: 4 albums in 5 years, the next one should not be too far away.