Swiss Pole




The Swiss scene has a great diversity to share. Since its creation in 2005, the venue Docks have always had the vocation to support this cultural richness.

All the actions are united under the name:

The aim is to best meet, as a concert venue, the needs of this music scene, by providing expertise, professional skills and some infrastructure.

The actions are organized around two major axes:

  • The direct actions: such as the Proxima, booking exclusively Swiss opening acts or inviting them for residencies – artists can use the facilities for rehearsals, preparing a tour or to film a video clip for example.
  • The indirect actions: all the network efforts related to the Swiss scene and the participation in collaborative projects. For example: the booking and presentation of the main stage during la Fête de la Musique in Lausanne or the collaboration in the Opération Iceberg and The Gustav

In 2019 ↓

  • 77 Swiss artists booked, 34 as support act
  • 16 artists welcomed in residency for 41 days of occupation
  • 18 interviews conducted with local artists, in order to better target development needs and present possible actions
  • 4 Proxima completed

In 2020 ↓

  • 32 Swiss artists booked, 7 as support act
  • 13 artists welcomed in residency for 31 days of occupation
  • 25 interviews conducted with local artists, in order to better target development needs and present possible actions
  • 4 Proxima completed

In 2021 ↓

  • 42 Swiss artists booked, 13 as support act
  • 33 artists welcomed in residency for 73 days of occupation
  • 15 interviews conducted with local artists, in order to better target development needs and present possible actions
  • 4 Proxima completed

In 2022 ↓

  • 71 Swiss artists booked, 22 as support act
  • 15 artists welcomed in residency for 43 days of occupation
  • 20 interviews conducted with local artists, in order to better target development needs and present possible actions
  • 4 Proxima completed


Pôle Suisse is supported by the Loterie Romande and the Ville de Lausanne for the 2023-2024 season.

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