Chloé proposes a pop with cleverly composed texts. The words and the ideas follow one another, intertwined by the electro rhythms put on it with parsimony. Subdued atmosphere. And then the voice takes over, a subtly powerful voice, amazing. A first EP is on the way, it promises to be unexpected, tasty, decadent.
First encounter with the Swiss Pole and setting of the objectives
Meeting with Yann Riou, Head of the Culture Department's Deputy, City of Lausanne
Encounter with Raphaël Noir
A residency before the show in the Café
Concert in the Café
Computer Aided Music lessons with Félix Bergeron at the EJMA
Encounter with the Docks’ communication manager to discuss the digital strategies
Residency at the venue Docks with Flèche Love
Encounter with the members of the Docks' office
Participation in M4Music with the Proxima project manager and the other artists of the year
Encounter with the Docks’ administrative manager
Masterclass with Emilie Zoé and her manager on the integration of the artist in the current music scene