Kazy Lambist

+ Gaspard Sommer

Doors19:30 Show20:30
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Only Swiss Show

Kazy Lambist

FR Electro-pop

Kazy Lambist. Behind this enigmatic name, taken from a Canadian craft drink, lies Arthur Dubreucq, a little genius of sound. His music, at the crossroads of danceable electro and pop jewels, offers soft, sunny atmospheres that are a delight on every track. The artist has a perfect grasp of sound balance, and his arrangements are refined down to the smallest detail, for maximum listening satisfaction.

Gaspard Sommer

CH Electro-pop

Somewhere between the worlds of Frank Ocean, Flavien Berger and James Blake, the magical Gaspard Sommer twirls his way through tasty electro-pop. Super active and super creative, last May he released an EP of collaborations, Ensemble Toujours, with guests including Meimuna and Jeans for Jesus. Opening for Kazy, he’ll be revealing a slice of his world in trio form. 

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Gaspard Sommer
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