Please note the new schedule: doors will open at 8pm instead of 7.30pm. We’re looking forward to welcoming you!
Kazy Lambist. Behind this enigmatic name, taken from a Canadian craft drink, lies Arthur Dubreucq, a little genius of sound. His music, at the crossroads of danceable electro and pop jewels, offers soft, sunny atmospheres that are a delight on every track. The artist has a perfect grasp of sound balance, and his arrangements are refined down to the smallest detail, for maximum listening satisfaction.
Somewhere between the worlds of Frank Ocean, Flavien Berger and James Blake, the magical Gaspard Sommer twirls his way through tasty electro-pop. Super active and super creative, last May he released an EP of collaborations, Ensemble Toujours, with guests including Meimuna and Jeans for Jesus. Opening for Kazy, he’ll be revealing a slice of his world in trio form.